domenica 17 aprile 2011

The myth of Deaduls and Icarus

The Lament For Icarus by Herbert James Draper.
Minos, king of Crete, asked Daedalus to build the labyrinth for the Minotaur (half man, half bull). Daedalus and his son Icarus, having built the labyrinth and knowing its structure, were precluded any escape from Crete by Minos, because he feared that the secrets would have been revealed and so Dedalus and Icarus were imprisoned in the labyrinth [This last sentence is missing the source: Apollodorus in the second century BC support that Daedalus is confined in the labyrinth because Minos accused Dedalus of being responsible for the "success" of Theseus, which can go through the expedient of the ball from the Labyrinth that Daedalus had just suggested.
There are other ancient sources that set Daedalus and Icarus imprisoned in the Labyrinth, even Ovid in  Book VIII of his Metamorphoses].
Daedalus built wings of feathers and attacked their bodies with wax to escape from the labyrinth. Despite the warnings of his father not to fly too high, Icarus overwhelmed by the elation of flight, got too close to the sun and the heat melted the wax. He lost his wings and fell into the sea where he died. The father arrived safely in Sicily, where he built a temple dedicated to Apollo, in memory of his son Icarus.

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